
Last call: Are you in love? We want to hear from you

Does this photo of two people embracing remind you of you and your bae?

Do you know you’re getting candy hearts and heart-eye emojis for Valentine’s Day?

Do you have a meet-cute story that could rival any romantic-comedy?

We want to hear from you. In fact, if you’re in love and don’t have those things, we still want to hear from you for a Valentine’s Day story. We’re taking a last call for fairytale stories from millennial couples, octogenarian couples, and anything in between.

We’re looking for: the story of how you met, how you make things work (because we know relationships are not always easy) and what your favorite moment with each other has been so far. We’d also love a cute photo that shows your bond!

Write to us here: elizabeth.djinis@heraldtribune.com.

We’re not picky, we just want to share your real life love story. Because, let’s be honest, we all want to believe love exists.