
Server Chronicles: “I’m a server too”


“Ill be right back with your drinks.”

“Oh take your time, I am a server too, so I know how it is.”

Red flag alert.


These “servers” are always quick to proclaim their title. And it either goes one of two ways.

They actually are patient, nice, and good tippers.

The other “server” is a monster that is picky, weird, awkward, and doesn’t tip well.

So you’re either not a real server or you just have no feelings. Got it.

Let me find out where you work.


Then there’s the: “I used to work here 100 years ago, so I know everything” person.

Courtesy of giphy.com


Yeah, I used to work at Outback, but I don’t go in there and start asking for special requests to make stuff they used to have.


That’s because I learned how to be a decent human being.


“Yeah I worked here years ago, when things were like this, and the food was blah blah,”

You lost me.

Please just order and tip me well because you obviously know what it’s like to be a server.


I wonder if people say they are servers because they think they will get better service.


I had a table recently that raved about how busy I was and I was killing it (obviously).

They kept going on about how well they know serving and know how hard it is…

I should have seen they were just verbally tipping me, but I believed them.

Then they all left me 10% tips or less, and they even had their cute kid hand me the bad tip so I couldn’t even be mad about it.

They knew what they were doing.

These were professionals.

Courtesy of reactiongifs.us


When I go out to eat, I don’t mention I am a server unless it comes up, and I always tip extra because I would want someone to make my day like that as well.


What gets me is I see so many of my server friends that don’t tip well, or they tip the bare minimum when we go out.

What is wrong with you?

This is your livelihood, and you are stingy to others? They are usually the first people to complain about bad tips as well.

Maybe you don’t make money because you’re giving yourself bad karma.

Courtesy of memegenerator.net


I do believe in karma. I generally have good days at work, and I attribute that to me being a hard worker, and the fact the universe watches me tip well, every single time.