
Go vote. Go. Vote. GO. VOTE.

You get a cool sticker! Photo by Kat Dow

Have you voted yet? If not, what the hell are you waiting for?

If you really want to vote on Election Day, cool*. Get to your polling place on Tuesday. But if you think you can’t vote in the primary because you’re not party-affiliated, think again.

All Florida voters can weigh in on Amendment 4** this time around.

Additionally, depending on your county and precinct, you may be able to vote in assorted local and regional races. Both Sarasota and Manatee County voters are choosing their school board members now, not in November. If you aren’t registered with one of the major parties, or any party, you still, at the very least, have a say in the outcome of these things.

Other contests and questions that might be on your ballot depending on where you are registered and your party affiliation (or lack thereof) include county commission seats, Florida legislative primaries, Congressional primaries, and various city and town referenda and positions.

So go vote. Look, we know a lot of people are disillusioned with the presidential race. We feel ya. But voting in local elections is one of the most crucial ways to influence policy that directly affects you on a daily basis.

Early voting is available today and tomorrow in both Manatee and Sarasota counties. It’s usually a pretty quick process, if you do a little bit of research first.

Anyone can vote at any early voting location in their county, which is pretty convenient if you’re not gonna be near your polling place on Tuesday or expect a long workday.

So vote today. OR tomorrow. Or Tuesday at that church by your house. And if you didn’t register in time for this election, get off your ass and register by Oct. 11 for the general election. Again, even if you’re opting out of the presidential fray*** those down-ballot races and questions are important.

And now, a rant: Hey, sign-wavers. I get it. You like Trump or Clinton or whatever local candidate you’re hoping to give a little name-recognition bump with those signs. But stop making it so damned difficult for us to see the damned traffic on 301 when we are leaving the county building’s parking area. Seriously. Wave those signs a little lower. Get a few yards back from the corner where we are trying to look left so we don’t get hit by someone else when pulling into traffic. BACK OFF JUST A LITTLE. Please.

* In the big elections, I always do. It just feels right.

** Amendment 4 would extend an existing tax break for installing solar equipment and create a new one. It’s a good idea, in this writer’s not-so-humble opinion, and the Herald-Tribune editorial board agrees.

*** … but come ON, don’t do this. It’s kind of a big deal, especially in Florida.