
Server Chronicles: An open letter to people who yell at servers

Dear monsters,

Hi, I am a person.

It was for your burger came out with pickles, or you waited an extra five minutes for your table, or maybe I didn’t bring your refill fast enough.

Whatever it was, I can see how that warranted me getting yelled at and humiliated, while at work.

Courtesy of giphy.com


You do this because you know I can’t fight back.

If I were to tell you what I was really thinking, well, that would be the end of my job.

I like paying my bills.

You use this “advantage” to make me feel small, to belittle me, to ruin my evening.


Does it give you satisfaction to ruin a stranger’s evening?

On one hand, I am angered, upset.

On the other, I feel bad for you.

I feel that it’s unfortunate someone like you, must be having such a terrible life, that you felt it necessary to be so angry, and yell at someone, while they are working.


How crazy is that?

You sit down for dinner, and find enough anger in a complete stranger, to yell at them.

I simply feel bad for you.


It doesn’t end there.

After we have to just say “ok” or “sorry” or “I’ll get my manager,” maybe we go in the back and cry, or start yelling, or hold it in.

Me? I cry when I get mad, I can’t help it.


But now everyone wants to know why I am upset.

“Who was it?”

“Let me guess.”

Soon, everyone has walked by table 43 to see position five.

(Which is you, by the way).


You’d be surprised how easy it is to guess which person is the culprit.

You usually look as monstrous as you act.

Courtesy of hercampus.com


Now, you have become a joke, an everlasting story.

You are the person that we talk about, that we laugh about, that we will bring up in the future when we are reminded of horrible people.

Because who goes into someone’s workplace, and yells at them?

I imagine you do this often. You yell at people that are giving you a service.


I won’t sit here and decipher why you yell at people.

But just know: you are the worst.


I hope you feel better making me, and other servers upset, and possibly getting them in trouble simply because things didn’t go to your exact liking.

Maybe you should have stayed home, if you are that particular.


Because now you just became writing material and that is all you are worth.



Me, on behalf of all servers who have been yelled at, probably by you as well.


Courtesy of popkey.co

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